Friday, July 3, 2009

Gays and Lesbians; Intentional aberration of The Creator

Our very own Baba Ramdev is sucked in the gay controversy...hahahaha...he is not alone. For company he has all the religious heads with him. Only that Babaji has dared the judges to have homosexual sex...hahahaha.

It is sad the way people form opinions and make judgmental comments on issues clearly not understood by them. JoH is tempted to ask all these people …..”Have you seen physically and mentally challenged human beings? Can you stop the creation of “not so fortunate people”? Do you realize that sexual preference is a natural trait? Do you realize that gays and lesbians are born out of parents who are normal people like us?

Gays and lesbians are people with rare mental challenges, who are otherwise normal in all aspects. The only part which makes them abnormal by the larger society is the part of brain which determines sexual orientation or preference. While sex is a subject of natural inheritance, such acts of deformity can only be attributed to mental inadequacy. This is in line with God’s creation of diverse forms of physically and mentally challenged people. Besides this, these people are as normal as we are and their successes in various professional pursuits, only proves their capability.

JoH feels, it is an intentional aberration in God’s creation to make us feel more valuable by creating us “more normal.” The Creator makes human beings realize the importance of being born normal. This realization should only enhance the sense of responsibility, and humility towards fellow human beings and an increased sense of gratitude towards The Creator.

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