Monday, May 11, 2009

"I Love You" is a Lie

How many times have you told somebody "I love you" or somebody has told you the same? That many times, be assured you have told a lie or you have been subjected to a lie. Don't believe me? Well try this sincerely with me once...Take a deep breath and think of the person you think you love.
All that you can remember are the good feelings that the other person has made you feel...and good feelings come from satisfied senses. Some will satisfy your emotional senses, others will satisfy your physical senses, while others will satisfy your funny senses and so on...We only say "I Love You" when some senses are being satisfied by the other person in parts or in totallity (at least we think so) or we say so simply because we want something from that person. Also you will notice that "I Love You" syndrome is mostly felt and told either pre-sex or having sex.
I maybe wrong but I feel that we only love ourselves and because our various senses are satisfied by the other person partly or completely, we say "I Love You. " Therefore...
we lie!!!

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